Natural History - hand in 9th May - digital and print - MCC Trophy

Clavarioid fungus species

Results for Natural History - hand in 9th May - digital and print - MCC Trophy are now available.

Click here for up and coming MCC events - or email for more info


From Feb to November

- Every  2nd Thursday of the month - MCC club evening.     at the St Marys Community Centre, Maxwell Rd. from 7pm to 9:30pm 

- Every 4th Thursday of the month - MCC Workshop.           at the St Marys Community Centre, Maxwell Rd . from 7pm to 9:30pm 


Critical ** AGM and updates to the Constitution **

This is notication of The Marlborough Camera Club 2023-2024 AGM on Thursday 8th August 2024 - starting at 7pm. We'll be sending out the details two weeks prior to the meeting,.

Also, Michelle Brown and Ross Beech have spent hours understanding and re-writing our constitution to adhere to the new club rules.

        PLEASE PLEASE read the emailed amended copy (sent out 1st July) as the club needs to approve it at the 8th Aug AGM evening.  

July club Evening ... 1st of our financial year. - Thurs 11th July starting 7pm 

- No speaker this evening as we'll go thru the Seddon Shield entries ... yes there is still time for both digitals and prints

- Shot of Year critique (audio) from Ian Walls.  I have already converted the audio to text for uploading onto the website.  

- In house critique of the small sensor images. This will be fun. There were 30 images submitted. So thanks so much for the participation :-)       

I've uploaded the "Natural History" critique audio (converted to text)  from Geoff Beals   

I've uploaded the "MNM" critique and scores from Adelle Kenny. I still have to add the images from all the clubs.    (Carol 8th July) 

Sat 20th July morning for us in NZ / Fri 19th July evening for club Hay On Wye (Wales, UK).

Only for MCC & Hay On Wye members

It's our annual international club competition. Submissions are due by 18th June so we can send away for judging and critique with the results presented via zoom on NZ Sat 20th July at 8:30am. !!! 

Live results from Ilan Wittenberg ... so we won't even know the results till the zoom session.     (Carol 8th July) 

Book these events into your calendars:    

- Sat 25th May is the yearly interclub competition between Marlborough / Nelson / Motueka. It will be held at St Mary's Community Centre, Maxwell Road. 9am to 4pm. 

Fun activity day and then the critique for the 3 club sets of digital and prints .. with an overall digital and print winner and then a final tally up of points for a club winner.   (added by Carol - 23rd April) 

- Fri 14th to Sun 16th June - Lake Rotoiti.    Open to camera club members and family. We are staying at the Rotoiti Lodge, St Arnard. 

 Arrive Fri late afternoon and BYO dinner. That evening we might head out for astro photography. Sat, it's out and about for the many different photographic challenges - the trouble will be remembering to come back for the supplied lunch and dinner. If we didn't do astro the previous night we can attempt again or play with light trails. Sun, go out again, or decide to stay inside next to the fire chatting until the supplied lunch appears :-). . 

Click here for more details about the Lake Rotoiti weekend                                                                                     (added by Carol - 23rd April)

-  Sat 20th July morning for us (Marlborough in NZ) / Fri 19th July evening for club Hay On Wye (Wales, UK). Only for MCC & Hay On Wye members

It's our annual international club competition. Submissions are due by 18th June so we can send away for judging and critique with the results presented via zoom on NZ Sat 20th July at 8:30am. !!! 

Coffee needed!!! and the topic for 2024 was Macro / Close Up. An absolutely fascinating topic    (added by Carol - 23rd April)

MCC May Workshop - Thurs April 25th  

Our member Mark has offered to present 'photo editing' using LightRoom - basic and a bit more. It doesn’t matter what photo editing software you use - the editing is repeatable in most apps.

The first 15 mins will be getting to know your tripod. It's amazing what they can do !!!!  Bring it along to really test it :-)        (added by Carol - 23rd April)


MCC May Club Evening - Thurs May 9th  

We are proud to have our guest speaker;  Holly from the Falcon Conservation – we're adopting a Falcon in a way of donating to the foundation. Win/Win for everyone.  

Critique for Macro / Close Up topic     (added by Carol - 23rd April)                                        


Whew .. it's getting busy

  • Hand in Natural History trophy topic closes on 9th May  (May club evening)
  • Hand in June - small sensor - Non DSLR / Pinhole Camera closes 13th June (June club evening)
  • Hand in June your Shot Of Year images: There are three trophies to compete for; Closes on 13th June (June club evening)
    • Open - Digital 
    • Open - Print 
    • Black & White/Monochrome - Digital and Print 
  • Hand in Hay On Wye topic (Macro/Close Up) closes on Tues 18th June (2 days after the Lake Rotoiti field trip)              (updated by Carol 23rd April)


Welcome to the new 2023-2024 committee 

As elected to the 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024, the following financial members have been elected to the committee

  • PRESIDENT              Stu Wilson                           
  • VICE PRESIDENT       Carol Spaulding 
  • TREASURER              Prin Kim 
  • SECRETARY              Carol Spaulding   
  • COMMITTEE              Grant Udy (PSNZ coordinator & Judge coordinator),  Sue Henley,  Norman Gamble & Eve Lyall. After the meeting, volunteer - Michelle Brown. 

A huge thank you for Lynette Bainbridge for over 20 years on the committee.                                   (added Sat 12th Aug - by Carol)

Yearly summary of activities

  • Ten monthly topics that are judged and critique provided (Digital and Prints) with Accepted, Merit and Honours results awarded when appropriate
  • Landscape trophy competition - MCC internal
  • Natural History trophy competition - MCC internal
  • Marlborough / Nelson / Motueka interclub competition 
  • PSNZ afflicted NZ Landscape Salon and the Trenna Packer Salver Competition (Nature) 
  • International interclub competition with Hay On Wye (Wales) 
  • Seddon Shield Area Photography Convention for the top of the South Island interclub competition with currently 6 clubs: Golden Bay, Motueka, Nelson, Marlborough, Buller and Westport. It is open to other clubs in the top of the south / west or east coasts if they are interested.  The 50th year anniversary in 2024 will be hosted by Buller. 
  • MCC - Shot Of Year submissions to celebrate individuals and their growth with their photography for the MCC Calendar year. There are trophies for "Best Open in Digital", "Best Open in Print" and "Best Black&White/Monochrome in ether Digital or Print".
  • Our yearly AGM is in August


PSNZ - the MCC club is affiliated with PSNZ. 

If you're new to the club, you may not be aware that Marlborough Camera Club is part of a bigger family of photographers. PSNZ or the Photographic Society of New Zealand, is the national organisation that represents photography enthusiasts (neither MCC nor PSNZ care whether you are an enthusiastic amateur or a seasoned professional, you've just got to love photography) in NZ, and this club is an affiliated club. PSNZ has its own workshops, competitions and awards, some which you need to be a member of PSNZ to participate in, but there are opportunities, even if you're just a member of your local club. (If you join both PSNZ and MCC, you get a small discount on your MCC membership). The judges who critique our monthly competitions are drawn from a pool of PSNZ accredited judges from around the country. You certainly don't have to be a member of PSNZ to enjoy the club, however if you're already confident in your photography, and want additional challenges and opportunities to take your photography to the next level, PSNZ membership might be a worthwhile progression for you.

