Last Updated: 27-7-2022 20:33

This page will provide a list of external competitions, both PSNZ affiliated and others that may be of interest to club members.  (Scroll down for all comps)

**** 2021 *****

Seddon Shield Regional Conference 3-5 September 2021 -  held at Hokitika Chartered Club

This mini conference is  hosted by the Greymouth Photography Club and is specifically for the top of the South clubs, ie Nelson, Marlborough, Buller, Greymouth, Golden Bay. In conjunction with the conference is a photography competition which any club member in the region may enter, whether or not you are attending the conference. Small fee of ?$10  for competition.    Opens soon, watch this space.  Website:

Dunedin Festival of Photography

Opens 1 August and closes 31 August. Open to PSNZ members and affiliated club members.  Several categories, check out the website:

Whanganui Salon - Humanity and Earth 2021

Categories: Humanity and the Natural world; The Works of Humankind: Living in a Changing World.  Open to PSNZ members and affiliated club members.  This interesting and creative-thinking salon opens 27 July and closes 24 August.  Website -

Nelson National Triptych Salon

Opens 1 August and closes 31 August 2021. Open to PSNZ members and affiliated club members.   Start thinking triptychs!  Website -



