Judge: Janet Munnings
Yes - same as Hay On Wye topic, but this is also a challenging topic for our club - and loving the before/after editing images

Inside around the house /backyard
Please submit 2 images: 1 The initial image straight from your camera, 2: then the image you are submitting edited – remember inside/outside YOUR house only.

You have up to 4 images - 2 finals, 2 pre-editing

Still life photos/domestic life/home life/pets – be creative and go wild with editing so we can see the transformation.



Set Subject


Marlborough Camera Club – May competition: SET Subject is “Around The House/Backyard. OPEN is anything else.

GRADE C - SET Subject 





Set Subject


Looking at this image I immediately think I am glad I am not a mouse.  Can you image looking up to that face if you were.  I like the fact the photographer has taken a very low perspective of the subject and filed the frame making it dramatic. You have captured the attention of Elliott perfectly looking straight at you and the camera.  I love the little tuffs of fur on top of his ears.  Excellent depth of field with sharpness in the eyes, face & whiskers with a fall-off of focus towards the body.  Good catchlights in the eyes. My only recommendation might be to tone down the green background and foreground as I feel it competes against the subject.  Well done.


Set Subject


This image warms my heart. These are so cheeky and fly around your feet when you are near them in case you kick up some food for them.  Excellent depth of field achieving a muted background with just enough detail to show the environment in which the subject has been captured. I find the side lighting from the sun has given the Fantail a lovely rim which highlights the contours of his body. Lovely catchlight in the eye and good detail in the feathers and reed. Excellent composition with the reed slightly leaning into the frame with enough room in front of the subject. My only slight recommendation might be to clone out the small brown point on the bottom edge of the frame which is distracting. Well seen and captured.


Set Subject


Isn’t nature wonderful. When I first came to New Zealand, and I saw these on the trees I was fascinated.  The subject is pin sharp with excellent detail on the casing. Good depth of field with a non-obtrusive background making the subject stand out.  You have captured interesting textures and detail on the bark of the tree which I feel adds more interest to the image. I find the subject has good colour tones throughout.  My only recommendation might be to tone down the two bright lines on the case of the cicada which I find are a little distracting. Well seen and captured.


Set Subject


I find it interesting that the photographer has chosen to present this image in a sort of greyscale. Roses are such beautiful flowers and have a huge array of colours. The focus on the main subject is sharp in the middle with a fall off from top to bottom in the frame. I like the fact you have chosen to include only a small part of the rose which draws the eye immediately, Compositionally I find the negative space on the right io be almost the same shape as the subjects in reverse.


Set Subject


Creativity is imagination and imagination is for everyone. This image depicts a scene and tells me a good story of an event which might also happen in real life with an insecure load and in this instance, it is depicting an insecure load of pins. I find the figure in white, and the fire engine is sharp with a slight fall-off of focus in the other pieces.  I think the possible use of a smaller aperture might have achieved sharpness from front to back in this instance. Compositionally I think it might have been stronger possibly adding some gravel to make a road might have strengthened the scene more. Good effort and creative.








WOW great image with great execution all-round. What a fantastic story you take from this image. It looks like a room with a view but captured out the back of an aeroplane instead.  It is the sort of image you might look at for hours taking in all the detail inside the aircraft.  I like the mesh barrier in the foreground which makes me take a step back and look around. Excellent depth of field with sharpness from front to back. Congratulations






Set Subject



This image reminds me of my garden were there are lots of Tui’s. I find this is a beautiful image with him on the flax.  Super sharp detail in the birds’ feathers and flax and the photographer has even caught a catchlight in its eye. The Tui is a national heritage animal – in Māori culture, the bird is associated with life fulfillment, confidence, and spiritual harmony.  My recommendations when you photograph Tui’s try and take your exposure down one stop below normal and I find the white poie at the bird’s throat will give more detail. I might suggest a crop off the right-hand side to reduce the distractions there. Well seen and executed.


Set Subject



Abstract photography is sometimes called non-objective, experimental, or conceptual photography. An abstract photo has a clear, structural design and I find this one very striking with its horizontal and vertical lines. I don’t know if it was monochromatic to start with or you chose to change it to that but I find it very pleasant to look at. My recommendations to possibly produce a stronger image might be to clone out the distracting broken cement on the left wall and a small crop either side to eliminate the two black corners which I find are distracting. I might suggest you play around with it on your computer as a tight crop either side really makes it pop.


Set Subject



I thought I knew my tools being a very DIY lady, but I must confess I had to look this one up. A butt gauge usually has three independent cutters used chiefly for marking the outlines of mortises for door butts or strike plates. The lighting has been used effectively giving a gold colour to the top of the butt and red to the bottom giving me the impression it is too hot to handle if you get my drift.  Unfortunately, most of the subject is out of focus and possibly a lower perspective and a slightly smaller aperture might have resulted in more sharpness. I find the words at the very top distracting.  Good attempt and you educated me thank you.


Set Subject


This image depicts some classic Kiwiana pottery which was a popular household feature in the 1960’s. From its 1920s origins as brick and pipe manufacturers, the company expanded into the domestic market. It’s very purple, isn’t it? I am not sure if the photographer has made it purple or the pottery is purple which was a very fashionable colour then I believe.I find the subjects have been photographed in harsh lighting producing strong highlights on two of the subjects.  It has also made strong shadows on the back wall and produced a line across the back item. My recommendations are to possibly use softer lighting to alleviate shadows and highlights and sometimes your first attempt fails, so go back and try again if possible as they say practice makes perfect.







Set Subject


Birds in flight are very difficult to capture, you usually need a very fast shutter speed and be on continuous mode.  I get the feeling this was a quick instant shot that you wanted to capture. I think your centre of focus is on the starlings’ feet as they appear quite sharp as the body of the bird is unfortunately in soft focus.  I like the fact the bird has something in its beak which adds interest to the image.  My recommendations for this image might be to crop about 5cms off the bottom to alleviate the fact the bird house has no anchor and has a blurred appearance from the branches in front.  I might also crop off the right-hand side to just before the screw to remove all the bird droppings which are distracting. Good attempt



Set Subject


I am reminded of summer with this lovely close-up image of the Fuchsias.  The subjects are in sharp focus and vibrant and I feel might be a bit over saturated.  Odd numbers have a sense of balance in an image and having two subjects my eye goes from one to the other. Three elements in the frame form a triangle this is a powerful shape in photographic composition which also allows elements to flow together. I feel in this image I might suggest a tighter composition, getting in close and you have the potential to capture something that transcends in the frame. I find the dark purple flower or bush in the bottom right-hand foreground competes a little with the fuchsias. Good attempt.


Set Subject


I feel like I am in a posh restaurant looking at these and wonder what awaits me for dinner, not something Around the House well-done. I find the lighting the photographer has used has made the subjects come to the fore. Compositionally I find the subjects have separation and good symmetry. I like the chosen black background which to me helps the subjects stand out.  I find the chosen colours work very well together.  My only slight recommendation or concern might be I feel the reflections are slightly disjointed with the black line running through them.  I cropped off a little with my hand and this made a different view so I feel it is a personal choice and it was your choice to include them.  Well executed







Not Accepted

Some judges do not like titles, but I do, and in this case if it wasn’t for the title I might not have guessed what it was.  Compliments to the photographer for trying in camera movement which is hard to do, but I feel in this case it has not really worked.  Please keep trying as it is not easy, the more you do the better you will become.




Photography can turn everyday into an adventure and looking at this image someone has just done that down on the beach. 

I find repetition always evokes a strong visual response and I feel in this case less is more.

If you take the right top corner and crop a square with the lines coming into the frame from the left it makes a much more powerful image, I think.  I feel you do not need to include all the sand just pick out the best bit. I like the fact you have changed it to monochrome making it more appealing to the eye. I find this a great genre to experiment with.

Recommendation might be to pull down the highlights to show richness, texture and more detail in the sand.




I have not been fortunate enough to photograph these birds and the photographer has chosen just to take its portrait. Beautiful sharp detail in the eye which is the most important thing to do when photographing a bird, good detail on the beak and neck feathers.  I find the crop a little too tight in front of the bird and if you have the original it might be good to give the bird a bit more room.

GRADE A - SET Subject





Set Subject



I think the fuchsia’s look like little ballerinas in the rain. I commend you for capturing them all in the raindrops. The subjects are pin sharp throughout and the lighting has been handled very well with no obvious highlights. A non-distracting background is a compositional tool to help bring attention to the subjects in the photo. In this image I find the two prominent black lines running horizontally through the image distracting. My recommendation might be to crop either side of the image to lessen the prominence of the lines.  When doing macro make sure there are no artefacts in the image or on the subjects. The fuchsias to the right have brown dried petals stuck to them and possibly might have been removed with a little pair of tweezers to possibly achieve a stronger image.


Set Subject


Very good macro attempt at photographing this bee and flower.  Excellent composition with the flower on the right hand third with the subject being the centre of focus.  I love the orange/red background which really makes the white flower pop.  Your chosen depth of field has given good detail in the centre of the flower but unfortunately has given the bee a slightly soft focus.  I find the lighting has caused the petals behind the bee to have lost detail and has caused some shadows to the flower.


Set Subject



I look at this image and ask myself I wonder if this is Alpaca Wool? as it reminds me of when we use to have 13 of them, such characters.  Lovely vibrant red colours which draw the eye immediately.  I like the way the photographer has got down low for the perspective and captured all the horizontal and vertical lines.  This image might also be a great abstract taking just part of the subject.  The subject is pin sharp showing good detail, colour tones and textures.


Set Subject


Dahlias make fascinating subject and have an array of colours.  I love the colour of this one which seems to have a light behind the top petals possibly. I like the composition of the Dahlia being placed just in the corner against the black background.  The title is called Delicate Dahlia and I find the green dominant bud in the front spoils the image.  It is very dominant for such a delicate flower and I feel the image might be much stronger with just the main subject. The focus is sharp in the centre of the flower falling off soft to the outer petals.  I like the inclusion of the raindrops.


Set Subject


This reminds me of my hobby as I have a butterfly house and a butterfly garden dedicated to the Monarch Butterfly.  I commend you for filling the frame with the seed pod and two of the caterpillars.  I think the bottom one is hanging on for dear life as I can’t see him connected.  The seed pod itself makes for fascinating photography especially when they break open and the seeds come out.  The bodies are blurred and showing movement and I think a possible use of a faster shutter speed might have captured the head sharp on the top one.  Very good effort


Set Subject



Gosh you have done well to capture such a small flower in such detail. They symbolize true love and respect; they are also considered a symbol of fidelity and faithfulness.  The black background really makes them stand out.  I like the combination of the complimentary colours of pink and blue. The composition shows the stem and the little bit of foliage which is called mouse’s ear as it is thought to resemble it. The image is sharp showing good colour tones and textures. The lighting has been very well handled. Congratulations


Set Subject


This image reminds me of my childhood when we all went out to catch tadpoles and frogs in the summer months in the UK.  I bet he is a happy chappy in amongst your vegetables I’m glad he stayed there long enough for you to run in and get your camera. I like all the different colours of green in the image.  Possibly a tighter crop might have helped with the distractions on the edge of the frame especially the leaf with the big hole in it. I find the subject just a little soft and out of focus possibly due to hand holding the camera.  Good attempt.


Set Subject


The galactic core of the Milky Way galaxy is visible I believe from the months of February to October in the Southern hemisphere. June and July the core is at its brightest.  This is a good attempt by the photographer to capture it. I like the fact you have left some silhouette of the trees In the foreground to give a sense of scale.  I might suggest for a little stronger composition to crop off a bit on the left-hand side to place the galaxy just off centre.


Set Subject

Not Accepted

Not sure what this is.  I find most of it out of focus with a large area of negative space to the right. If you try macro photography, you need to use a tripod to get sharp focus on your subject.


Set Subject


This image again reminds me of my garden.  Pieris rapae is the only species of white butterfly in New Zealand. I have only a few of these little butterflies in my garden and they are incredibly hard to photograph as they do not stay still long enough for you to get a good focus.  Good attempt at capturing this one.  I find the wasp to the left draws my eye away from the subject and possibly a square crop might have strengthened the image.  I like the fact you have captured it on the lavender, and I feel I needed to see the left wing to complete the body.


Set Subject

Not Accepted

This image looks like a double exposure and unfortunately for me I feel it hasn’t quite worked.  There are lots of sharp areas and many out of focus flowers.  I find the image very busy with no centre of focus and my eye is looking all around the image.


Set Subject



WOW timing was everything in this image.  Looks like a male and female and I am left wondering who came off best.  I find the black background is excellent in bringing attention to the two main subjects.  Absolutely pin sharp with an excellent composition. Congratulations


Set Subject


Photographing dried or dead flowers I always find a challenge.  I find the lighting on the subject very bright and harsh causing a big reflection on the back wall. I like your choice of the little bottle and the way the stem is distorted through the glass.  I find the leaf behind the flower a little distracting and possibly might have been removed.  I like the fact you have placed the subject just off centre but unfortunately you have left in the edge of the table on the left.  My recommendations might be to use softer lighting to lessen the shadows.  I often find straight forward and safe compositions rarely captivate the mind maybe a different composition might have been stronger.


Set Subject


Being a Veterinary Nurse for many years I always appreciate a photo of a dog.  Looks like Sunda has just been in the water and enjoying himself.  He appears to be engrossed looking at something other than the camera.  He has some strong side lighting to the right of his face and unfortunately the left side is in deep shade.  I find the eye on the right is beautifully sharp and the left is slightly distracting with the hair across it.  I like he has his mouth open with bits of grass or plant stuck there.  Good depth of field which has muted the background nicely.


Set Subject


This image tells a good story and reminds me of my mother who had a knitting machine for years. Photographing still life gives you complete control over every aspect of the scene.  You have the freedom to arrange objects anyway you want.  I find the image has good juxtaposition of tones and colours. I commend the photographer for adding the hand into the scene which otherwise I feel would be static. Just a few recommendations It might have been stronger with the shelf straight, the tiny bit of wool in the bottom right corner is distracting along with showing the label inside the cone. 









What a delightful scene of the young girl enjoying her birthday with grandma. I find centring your subject in the frame makes for a dramatic composition that breaks the rules. I commend the photographer for capturing the moment and the expressions on their faces. I feel you have captured beautiful skin tone on the child’s face and detail in the eyes along with catchlights. My only comment is what a pity you did not move the distraction right in front of the cake.




This image tells a beautiful story of possibly three generations.  I like your choice to put the image into monochrome to alleviate colour distractions. I find the expressions on the three human elements faces priceless especially the babies. You have captured good detail and textures in grandmas’ skin and hair.  My recommendations I feel the baby’s feet need to be in the frame and not cropped off. I find the white area at the top of the frame a little distracting and possibly might have been toned down in post processing. A vignette might be a good idea to keep the eye in the frame to strengthen the image




I find this a misty moody image of the boathouses at the edge of the lake and the hills in the low cloud.  You look at the image and try and imagine how many boats have been launched from these little houses.  Excellent depth of field showing sharp detail in the far hills, the houses, the water, and the rocks to the right. I like the tight crop with just enough water in front of the houses. I find it is quite a static image and I feel might have possibly been improved with some birds or a human element in the frame. Sometimes a little unpredictability in your photographs can be refreshing. I might like to suggest you try this in monochrome as well.





