Judge: Chris Parkin
Medium: Digital only. Max number of images: 2 (Set and/or Open). Use a 'slow' shutter speed, or even the B setting. Be creative and have fun.

Restrictions: Digital only. Two images allowed to be submitted (Set and/or Open) 

Long-exposure, time-exposure, or slow-shutter photography involves using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements. Excludes time-lapse.

  • Light Trails
  • Landscape (especially water) 
  • People moving 
  • Star Trails



During long exposures you must NOT MOVE your camera. A tripod is recommended or something to rest your camera on  -so you are not reliant on holding the camera. 

Reminder - Excludes time-lapse.


Set Subject

From Chris Parkin - Audio with amazing informative critique.  Here are the overall results.

Set or Open subject Grade Title Rating
    C GRADE - SET   
Set Subject C Early Morning East A
Set Subject C Early Morning West H
Set Subject C I want to be first M
Set Subject C monster cloud H
Set Subject C Pelorus Waterfall A
Set Subject C sophie's worm hole M
Set Subject C Whites Bay H
    C GRADE - OPEN   
Open C Autumn vines A
Open C Beach Flowers H
Open C Livingstone Daisys M
    B GRADE - SET   
Set Subject B Burning lights H
Set Subject B Early morning textures and colours - 30 second exposure A
Set Subject B Lake Rotoiti on a beaut day - 30 second exposure A
Set Subject B Mossy cascade M
Set Subject B Racy Little Starlet M
Set Subject B Restless M
    B GRADE - OPEN   
Open B At Anchor H
Open B Echeveria ... all spikes and shadows A
Open B The Approaching Storm H
Open B The potter M
    A GRADE - SET   
Set Subject A Bridge Reflection A
Set Subject A Early Morning Commute A
Set Subject A Family Beach Walk NA
Set Subject A Homeward Bound A
Set Subject A Mountain Stream A
Set Subject A Out For A Run NA
Set Subject A Reflections in the River A
Set Subject A Sky Scape View H
Set Subject A The falls A
Set Subject A Trucking On The Bridge H
Set Subject A Turbulent Seas H
Set Subject A Under The Bridge H
Set Subject A Whoosh! NA
    A GRADE - OPEN   
Open A Last Light M
Open A Radiant Anthurium A
Open A Skeleton Crew M
Open A Windblown H
