Judge: PSNZ
(External Competition) To encourage interaction with other clubs for fun


This is open to everyone. 


TClub entries close Wed 17 May:
Please email digital entries to: motuekacc@gmail.com
Please send print entries to: Gaile Douglas, 24A Memorial Drive, Motueka 7120
One image from the 18 digital to be picked as Champion Digital Image, one image fro

Challenge Day Registrations:Please email your registration by Wed 17 May to Mike Speak


m 18 print images to be picked as Champion Print Image, and a Champion Image overall.


Format for Digital Entries

10.     Digital entries must be JPEG image files only and no more than 1620 x 1080 and 2MB in size. Digital entries submitted in any other file format or larger size will not be accepted. Maximum of 35 characters in title and must not include author's name. No title, logo or identification of the author shall be written anywhere on the face of an image.

11.     Digital images should be provided in the sRGB colour space.

12.     Digital entries must be submitted online www.lauriethomassalon.com

All Entries

13.     Christchurch Photographic Society will be entitled without payment of any fee to the exhibitor to copy any image for:

   a.       Archives or recorded lectures of the Society and/or the Photographic Society of New Zealand (PSNZ) or for a (screen resolution) DVD of successful entries.

   b.      Reproduction in any Laurie Thomas NZ Landscape exhibition or catalogue.

   c.       Reproduction in newspapers, magazines or elsewhere in promoting the Laurie Thomas NZ Landscape Salon.

14.     Any dispute concerning these rules may be referred in writing to the Christchurch Photographic Society whose decision will be final and binding.

15.     Submission of entries implies acceptance of the above rules and conditions.

So please submit your images if you'd like some critique on them. A session will be arrange closer to the time. 


Set Subject
