Judge: Karen Lawton
sports, hobbies, kids, etc

What do you do when it's Play Time'?  


Set Subject

Shot of the Month  Playing with Marbles Again - 

Image File
C Grade Set Subject
This file came through as a very small image showing at only 100x120mm on my screen. That is a shame because to me it is a good fit with the set subject. The colours in the bubbles and the way that you have captured the face give immediacy to your story of having fun bnecause bubbles always make people smile. Take care with cutting off a limb - in this case the hand on the right. If you have it in your image I would include it.

Great Day Fishing at Lake Argyle
I enjoy the irony in the story told between title and image here and think this is enhanced by the grins on the younger guy's faces. The composition adds to this and I think the lighting on the water has been deftly handled not to blow out the highlights. I also enjoy the crop to remove any visible horizon as this concentrates the viewer totally on the story.

In the Grand Parade
The ribbons certainly tell the story here and in terms of composition it is fortuitous to have three white horses small to tall. I appreciate that this is C grade and am not sure of your post production skills. It would be great to remove the child, man and pushchair in the background. If you dont have the skills yourself, you can ask someone to do that for you and still be within the rules. I would also like to see a bit more space on the LH side for the riders and horse to move in to so that the scene doesn'`t feel too compressed.

This image quickly conveys the sense of play and wonder with the expression on the girl's face telling the story. In an ideal world I would like to see the top of the tent included and have the distraction on the LH side removed.

Piano Man
Great to see a variation of play time that is a liesure pursuit and a play on words. This reiterates to me how important titles are. I feel the lighting works well to highlight your subject and is not overblown. To lift this image I would really like to see more of the left hand. The couple of fingers we are shown are a bit disconcerting compositionally and I suggest a full hand would be more interesting.

Playing with marbles again
Great concept and an interesting interpretation of marbles "again" as in - I read - an expression of using a kid's past-time in an adult way. The shutter speed used has captured lots of detail in the water droplets and the rainbow reflections - whether purposeful or serendipitous - are the icing on the cake for me.

Simply Fun
I applaud the decision to present this as a triptych - the total is certainly a greater story than a single image would have told. I think the story could have been enhanced by some eye contact with the boy in the bag although we can certainly see and appreciate his concentration here. I would also suggest you try a vignette around each image to draw the veiwer's eye into the subject and consider reducing the highlights on the face (top right) and bag (bottom right) as I do find these distract a bit.

The stress of playing Chess
I enjoy the lighting and colouration you have achieved here in both the pieces and their reflections. To me a slightly greater depth of field to have the back row of chess pieces in focus may have added more clarity to the outcome. I am also not seeing the "stress" in your title. What I see here is orderly combatants ready to move.

C Grade Open

Surfs Up
I am going to Pass this image for three reasons. It has a name and website printed bottom left corner. The surfer's face is too dark to see an expression and the water appears quite pixelated to me which implies a harsh crop to focus on the rider.

Walking on the Horizon
Also with a name and website - Pass. In terms of critique I think this is a good concept and I enjoy the panoramic format. I think the girl's left foot needs to be clear of the railing and the title should be 'leaping' not 'walking'. To reiterate, titles are really important as they lead the viewer down a particular viewing path.

B Grade Set Subject

At least one person is enjoying it
No everyone's idea of play time but yes, the guy at the rear is having fun. Compositionally the rope at the base gives us a slight diagonal lead in line; I would consider removing the post that grows out of the second man's back. You may also like to consider a vignette to draw and keep the viewer's eye in to the action.

Big boys toys
I find this image to be quite dynamic and well captured.The perspective almost gives us a sense of an impending crash which I think adds to this dynamism. While the image is bright - so are the subjects and again this adds to the story. To me the brights of the spray are well handled and all add to the sense of speed and fun.

Determined competitors
I get a real sense of determination and competition and fun from this image. I feel your story is enhanced by the choice of a panoramic presentation as this kind of stretches the action. Equally it serves to reduce potential distractions in the fore or backgrounds. You might want to look at cropping the top just a bit more to reduce the reflection in the top right corner though. One of the first lessons I learnt from having my own images judged was "check the borders". In this case I would like to see the partial leg on the RH edge removed and equally would prefer not to see the limbs of the two competitors on the LH side cut off.

Madurodam Magic
I did not understand your title until I googled "Madurodam". The photographer's choice to use a monochrome presentation has reduced distractions and allowed me to concentrate on the child in the image. To achieve a greater sense of play time and fun I would have loved to have seen interaction between the subject and the photographer. I find the curve at the base intrudes and wonder if a slight change of perspective may have been able to eliminate this.

Marlborough vintage farm machinery enthusiasts.
Play time comes in all shapes and sizes as evidenced by this image. To me the choice of B&W accentuuates the grittiness of both the pasture and the vintage equipment. It may also disguise what could have been a bright sky. The panorama presentation elongates the trator which I feel is moving in a pleasing diagonal through the image. A couple ofsuggestions - interaction with the driver and darkening the edges of the image may have resulted in a stronger, more personal story here.

The Kicker
Lots of deetermination and focus are shown here and to me the story is added to by the capture of the arms at a diagonal and the foot mid air. I feel you need to look closely at the back ground elements here to improve the outcome. The verticals on the building are at a disconcerting lean. Also check the edges - if you can, remove the player walking in to the scene on the LH side.

Is this rider coming off the bike? I guess so from your title although I didn't read the image that way. I think the shutter speed used is ideal - we have lost of dirt captured midair and the rider in sharp focus. In terms of the composition, look at a crop from the top to eliminate the bright patches of sky which I find distracting. If you have clear space to the left - in front of the rider - I think a less tight crop may also add more dynamism to the outcome.

This looks more suited to "Whoops" than the previous image. I feel you have captured a pivotal moment and that it is great to be able to see as much of the face as shown here.To me the focus is a bit soft on the person.
B Grade Open

All alone but determined to survive
I find it interesting to see the photographer's input on several levels in this image. The diagonal railings lead the eye, the depth of field then concentrates it and the choice of B&W with a splash of post production colour accentuate the story and the title. I find a few random pieces of yellow around the flower and a line of the right hand side distract from the outcome. which perhaps needs a bit more refinement in this image. Hence Acceptance.

The Look
I cannot guess at the (presumably) post production/texture you have placed on this portrait. To me it has added grit and grime at odds with the image/child you are conveying.

A Grade Set Subject

Aquatic Pursuit
This image fits the set subject and looks like fun. The cropping focuses us on the kids with minimal distractions. With no direct engagement with any of the children I feel removed from the action, an observer rather than a participant and to me that changes my interpretation of the story making it far less personal and engaging.

Im a guessing these guys are not playing for fun - aka yes playing instruments but not play time as such so I have doubts as to whether this fits the Set subject. Their expressions are not exactly joyous either, nor are they interacting with the woman donating to them - no smiles, no visuals. I feel this image would be better suited to a street photography genre.

Follow the Leader
Definitley a play time pursuit, these trampers appear well kitted out and focussed on their steps. I wonder what it would look like without the odd man out - the hiker with no hat and a green/fluro pack - just the three look alikes. Again I feel like an observer here, with little to no direct engagement in the story. To add emphasis to the people I would suggest a pulling a nuetral density filter down over the bright patches of hillside above them or even cropping that area out.

Friends Racing
I love this, the contrasts in shape, colour, breed and expression of each dog, yet both appear to be absoolutely focussed on the photographer. The DOF used allows both dogs to be mostly in focus and the tight crop has removed all distractions.

High Risk
A great action shot, capturing a pivotal moment for this rider and this wave. The expression you have captured on his face speaks volumes. In terms of composition, he has room to move into the action (on the left) and no distrcting horizon elements interfere with the story that I am reading. If you have captured the full extent of the spray above him, I would like to see that included rather than cropped.

In Sequence
Dynamic diagonal, differing facial expressions and concentration and well handled multiple exposures add up to a compelling result here. Only suggestions - check the borders to maybe remove any unneeded vegeation and consider a gentle vignette. And do you have the full shadow to include? It is your essential fifth element in my opinion.

Puppy fun in the sand dunes
Wow this pup looks manic - that eye! And the vegetation she is playing with looks almost alive. Well captured - a brief moment I am sure. Nicely chosen DOF and tight cropping to reduce distractions. Fortuitous to have no grasses over her face because this is all about that expression. The subdued limited colour pallete adds to the story I read here.

Rapid Nose-dive
A fun play time experience, sharply captured and composed to focus us on the action. Lots of room for the rafters to nose dive in to as well. Great to see them all holding on so tightly. I don’t understand why all the lettering is reversed. Apologies if this is how it actually is.

I am assuming Stormy is this dog's name as we have no weather elements here. Great capture, clear focussing on the face that falls away pleasingly to me on the hind quarters and tail. Great fun.

Surfing Kaikoura
To me this is a clearly and simply expressed story with the focus of the surfer the key element here.Tight compositional cropping limits distractions and keeps us keyed on to the action as does the limited colour palette. If you have it I would have preferred to see the full spray on the left hand side as I feel that would give an added dynamic tension to the image.

Winter Sports
A simple story here set against a blue sky day. There are a few elements that distract for me. These are the cropping of the protagonist's feet (and the tackler) at the base of the image and the crop of part of the player on the right hand side. The girl's left arm/hand looks especially awkward and I do not know what the white object on the grass behind the players is. There are also distracting white borders bottom left and on the right hand side. At A grade level, these elements add up to a Pass for me.

Wonder of the Snow Machine
Colour, composition and the concentration on this girl's face tell a story of wonderment and fun. If this was posed - even in a minority kind of way - I would ask the person behind her to move as I find the blending of the two girls detracts for the story here. Check your borders too - there are a couple of white 'flakes' that intersect the LH frame that could be cloned out - they lead the eye out of the frame at present.

A Grade Open

Creative light painting
In my opinion this would fit the Set Subject of play time because someone is defintiely playing with light and having fun. Well captured with the planned benefit of a still reflection, to me this image is a well deserved Honours. Have you tried rotating it 90 degrees anti clockwise? That tells a whole new (possibly more organic yet abstract) story.

Day Dreaming
I enjoy the use of ICM and limited colour pallete to tell a story of blur, dreams and simple relaxation. Very appealing story line to me.

The reduction of this image to three key elements adds simplicity to the state of serenity. Isn't it great how the mast reflection fits just within the reflection of the hills. I debated over what I could suggest here - perhaps a square crop? Less sky? Monochrome? Vignette? To me this has the bones of an image that could benefit from a more expressive post production.
