Judge: Seddon Shield Judge
Please submit up to 4 digital images for potential selection into our MCC interclub competition set. Diversity is the key

All members:  The club is looking for images for the Seddon Shield, Mathewson Trophy which is the inter-club competition. You DO NOT need to be registered to attend the convention to submit images as part of the interclub competition. 

We need a set of 6 digital images. There is no need for the images to have a theme. 

No individual can have more than 2 images in the set. However we are looking for 6 individuals to be represented in the set.

Images need to have a maximum dimension of 1920 x 1080 pixels in sRGB colour space.

There is nothing to lose. If you have an image you are really proud of - send it in!

Send to i.r.galloway@snap.net.nz  OR submitt here via this competition and select option SET and DIGITAL only. You can submit up to 4 images for consideration 

Thanks, Iain Galloway Helen Rietveld and Mark Roxburgh.


Set Subject
