Last Updated: 26-5-2024 21:27

Hi Everyone,

This is an update for the upcoming weekend at the Lodge on the weekend of the 14th - 16th June. We haven't had quite as many register as had been expected. But, we are not out, we are going to carry on.

If you have been thinking about coming, please let me know. If you are coming and have a family member, or friend that would like to stay, please be assured that they will be welcome.

Because we don't have the full numbers when first planning, we won't be able to hire the caterers. We will contiune with the Pot Luck dinner on Friday night as planned. We will cater for the Saturday & Sunday lunches ourselves.

We will make a booking for dinner in the village on Saturday night at Alpine Lodge (menu online). This will be at your own cost. You could self - cater at the lodge also. The full weekend stay will now be $120 per person.

One night stay $60.

Arrival at the Lodge is from 3.30pm on Friday 14th.

Register with Stephen Coleman at: or phone 027 248 7888


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