Fourteen of us set off at 5pm to Blairich Station airstrip, at 450 metres above sea level in the Awatere Valley. This is a beautiful high country property of 3200 hectares, running from the river to high up on the ridges. We had high expectations of a brilliant sunset but sadly this was not to be on that particular evening. We waited it out, hoping for a change in the cloud cover but this just wasn’t happening so we made the best of it and thanks to James Gibson, a highly respected photographer with a particular love of landscapes, from Christchurch, and speaker for the club February meeting, we were treated to a range of tutorials on site and this was much appreciated by all who came along. I buried myself in the tussocks and rocks with the wide angle lens, others photographed gates, fences and a beautiful mob of about 20 heifers visited our group from the other side of the fence, full of curiosity, making great subjects for some lovely photographs.

Many thanks to Chris and Ross Beech for making this trip possible.

On Saturday morning, once again thanks to James who convened a mini workshop in Carol’s lounge for those who were able to come along at short notice. We learned a lot about Lightroom and also a technique James uses, stitching images in that software.