Last Updated: 14-11-2024 18:53

Welcome to the Marlborough Camera Club


We are a friendly, helpful organisation where photography enthusiasts with all levels of ability meet to share their experiences and learn how to improve their skills. Whether you are a beginner, an improver or an accomplished photographer you will benefit from the membership of the club, not only by becoming a better photographer but by meeting people of the same interest.

Main Activities of the Club

Club Nights

The Club meets at 7.00pm on the second Thursday of each month (but not in December and January). The venue is St Mary’s Community Centre on Maxwell Road, Central Blenheim. We invite you to come along to our club nights ‘to get to know us’ and ‘see how we operate’. There is no charge for the first two months, but on the third month, you will be invited to join as a member, at which time a subscription would be payable.  

A typical club night on the 2nd Thursday involves guest speakers, learning sessions and a competition where your pictures are constructively critiqued.  Occasionally there may be a short presentation by one of the more experienced members on some technical aspect of photography.  A light supper is included during the evening which gives members time to socialise. The meeting usually ends around 9.30pm. 

Every 4th Thursday we have a workshop from Jan to Nov. Thisis a hands-on and learning opportunity that is well attended.

Field Trips

Whenever possible the club runs a field trip often on the third Sunday in the month. Information about these trips will be given at club nights and also on the front page of the website. The trips are quite varied: sometimes they are held locally in and around Blenheim and sometimes we venture further afield. These provide a great chance to get to know other photographers and see some of our marvellous Marlborough scenery through the camera lens. They are also a lot of fun.

Please check the LEARN section on the website for various tutorials.

Monthly Club Competitions

The Club organises monthly photographic competitions open to members. Images are handed in at our monthly meetings, sent away to be judged and then grading and comments announced at the following club night.  We have a wide range of competition themes with opportunities to submit printed, slide and digital images. All experience levels are catered for with C, B and A grade categories.  The current club competition calendar is available, along with both our competition and digital image rules in the COMPETITIONS page of this website.

Interclub, Regional, National and other Competitions

Other competitions are run throughout the year.   These can be found on the website  under "Competitions - External Competitions" or on the PSNZ website.  Notices are sent out regularly to members advertising these competitions which any affiliated club member can enter.  


The club has both a flickr group and a Facebook group; Marlborough Camera Club Members, for club members to upload their photos to share with others and gain feedback, as well as general discussion about photography. The Flickr group also provides links to individual members galleries where you can see many more photographs. You must be a member of the Club to be able to join the Facebook group. There is also a public Facebook Page, where the club may post notices and items of interest.


Contact Us

How to join the Marlborough Camera Club

Club History

Who's Who


Club Rules
