Welcome to the MCC calendar year = which is 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024. 

We have all of the topics until Feb 2024 arranged so you can plan ahead. 


Summary: Each topic heading will confirm the medium (digital and/or print). Unless stated otherwise, the max entried is 2 images.per competition. 


Vintage - hand in July 13th. Digital only

Judge: Tracey Scott

Turn the clock back, and wind back some more, and maybe a tad bit more. Have fun with this topic. Last topic for the clubs 2022/2023 year.

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Altered Reality In-Camera - hand in Aug 10th. Digital only

Judge: Sally Mason

Yep - in your camera. ICM, Blur, Exposure timings, Filters .... you'll need work hard on this topic

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MCC & Hay On Wye interclub competition - LINES - submit by 4th Sept

Judge: Ashley Franklin ARPS, ABPPA, APAGB, BPE2 from Hay on Wye

International inter-club competition - submit 4 digital images

Click for more details and results (once available)...

People, Family & Friends - hand in Nov 9th. Digital only

Judge: Ricky Wilson (yes our Ricky who was a member of our club)

You find people everywhere. 

Click for more details and results (once available)...

2023 A&P Show - by Sun 12th


For those that attended the A&P on 4th&5th Nov - and OK to forward to the A&P for publication (copyright please)

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Food and/or Drink - hand in Feb 8th 2024. Digital only

Judge: Paul Byrne

Make it yummy or thirst quenching. And remember not to eat/drink your props

Click for more details and results (once available)...

NZ only Landscape / Seascape - hand in 14th March - digital and print - MCC Trophy

Judge: Irene Callaghan

MCC Trophy topic. Landscape (editing restrictions). You can submit up to 4 images for the Digital and Print MCC Trophy's.

Click for more details and results (once available)...

Macro / Close Up - hand in 11th April. Digital only

Judge: Dave Simpson

Digital only - Your image can be re-used for the up and coming 'Hay On Wye' international competition.

Click for more details and results (once available)...

Natural History - hand in 9th May - digital and print - MCC Trophy

Judge: Geoff Beals

MCC Trophy topic. Natural History (editing restrictions). You can submit up to 4 images for the Digital and Print MCC Trophy's.

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Small Sensor - hand in June 13th - internal club judging. Digital and SET Subject only

Judge: MCC In House Judging

We'd love you to use your cell phone, PIN HOLE Box, Film or Compact Camera. Our preferrence is not to use a DSLR.

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Shot Of Year Trophy - Digital - Open - 13th June

Judge: Ian Walls

Digital Submit your best image and submit one image for each Shot Of Year trophy: "Digital Open" , "Digital & Print Black & White/Monochrome" , "Print Open"

Click for more details and results (once available)...

Shot Of Year Trophy - Digital and Print for Black & White/Monochrome - 13th June

Judge: Ian Walls

Submit your best image and submit one image for each Shot Of Year trophy: "Digital Open" , "Digital & Print Black & White/Monochrome" , "Print Open"

Click for more details and results (once available)...

Shot Of Year Trophy - Print - Open - 13th June

Judge: Ian Walls

Submit your best image and submit one image for each Shot Of Year trophy: "Digital Open" , "Digital & Print Black & White/Monochrome" , "Print Open"

Click for more details and results (once available)...

Hay On Wye International Competition - Images Selected and Final Results after 20th July

Judge: Ilan Wittenberg

Get up close and personal with an 'anything' and make the photo question the viewer as to what it is?? or WOW them with your unique prespective !!!

Click for more details and results (once available)...